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Event Highlights

Dialogues on Primary Healthcare in Social Service Sector
- Primary Healthcare and Cross-sectoral Collaboration

Date: 27 Sept 2021 (Mon)  (FULL)

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Venue: Room 201, Hong Kong Windsor of Social Service, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Target: Staff of NGOs who are interested in primary health care

No of Participants: 50 persons*  (maximum of three representatives for each organization)

Fee: Free (on a first-come first served basis)

on-site registration is not available due to the limited capacity of the venue arising from the social distancing measures of COVID-19, participants are invited to secure their seats by completing registration on or before 23rd September, 2021 (Thursday).



The current term of government attaches great importance to the primary healthcare development in Hong Kong, expediting the setting up of District Health Centres (DHCs) and District Health Expresses (DHEs) by June 2022 throughout 18 districts of Hong Kong.

NGOs, as major service providers, are endowed with unprecedented opportunities and challenges addressing the health and social care needs of Hong Kong population, especially through the operation of, or collaboration with DHCs/DHEs with cross-sectoral collaboration for three levels of primary prevention and public-private partnership.

Therefore, some key concepts on primary healthcare and first-hand experiences from primary healthcare practitioners will be beneficial to social service sectors for their service delivery and future service planning related to primary healthcare initiatives in Hong Kong.



By the end of the event, participants will be able to

  • enhance their knowledge of key concepts of primary healthcare and particularly the three levels of primary prevention in the context of Hong Kong

  • develop insight to apply primary healthcare concepts and principles into services planning and corporate development

  • increase their understanding of cross-sectoral collaboration and partnership with healthcare professionals in public and private sectors with more positive synergy

Contents and speakers


Specialist in public health medicine, Director of primary care clinics

Promote primary healthcare from public health perspective

  • What is ‘Health for all’?

  • Exploring key concepts of primary health, population health, personal health and common myths of primary healthcare

  • Primary healthcare and public-private partnership from a General Practitioner’s perspective


Health Team Lead, Community Health Nurse, Health in Action

  • Application of three-level of primary healthcare in Hong Kong

  • Experience of leading health team in community health services on health programs management and manpower management

  • Collaboration and partnership with different disciplines internally and externally including both public and private sectors


Community Health Nurse, Health in Action

  • Coordinating outreaching services in primary healthcare services with team approach

  • Innovations in client engagement and case management with different disciplines

  • Challenges and lessons learnt from multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary collaboration in a community health setting

Format: Mini-lectures, discussion and Q&A session

Medium: Cantonese (with powerpoint in English)

Registration & Enquiry:

*  only 50% full of the venue due to social distancing measures

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